Articles de quotidien
Gadais T., Borges C., Grenier J., Rivard M., Turcotte S., Beaudoin S., Verret C.
L’éducation physique et à la santé est primordiale. Voici pourquoi.
The Conversation Canada
Article de magazine
Nadeau M., Massé L., Gaudreau N., Verret C., Nadeau S., Lessard A.
Quelles pratiques de gestion des comportements les futurs enseignants utilisent‑ils pendant leur formation ?.
Réseau d’information pour la réussite éducative (RIRE)
Nadeau M., Massé L., Gaudreau N., Verret C., Lessard A., Nadeau S.
, Février
What do I think and do about inclusive education and classroom management of emotional and behavioral difficulties: Portrait of preservice teachers (general introduction, methods and limits).
17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, États-Unis.
Massé L., Nadeau M., Gaudreau N., Verret C., Lessard A., Nadeau S.
, Février
Preservice teachers’ attitudes toward the school inclusion of students with emotional and behavioral difficulties.
Symposium « What do I think and do about inclusive education and classroom management of emotional and behavioral difficulties : Portrait of preservice teachers », Hawaii, États-Unis.
Gaudreau N., Nadeau M., Verret C., Massé L., Lessard A., Nadeau S.
, Février
Preservice teachers’ self-efficacy and perception of control about managing behaviour difficulties in classroom.
Symposium « What do I think and do about inclusive education and classroom management of emotional and behavioral difficulties : Portrait of preservice teachers », Hawaii, États-Unis.
Nadeau M., Massé L., Gaudreau N., Verret C., Lessard A., Nadeau S.
, Février
Preservice teachers’ classroom management for difficult behavior : Specific effective strategies and sources of influence.
17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, États-Unis.
Verret C., Nadeau M., Gaudreau N., Massé L., Lessard A., Nadeau S.
, Février
Willingness of preservice teachers to work with EBD students according to planned behavior theory analysis.
Symposium « What do I think and do about inclusive education and classroom management of emotional and behavioral difficulties : Portrait of preservice teachers », Hawaii, États-Unis.
Article de colloque
Massé L., Verreault M., Verret C., Lageix P., Guay M.
Longitudinal impacts of a multimodal intervention program addressed to ADHD children and their parents on children's social skills and behavior problems.
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
Massé L., Verret C., Verreault M., Guay M., Lageix P.
, Janvier
Longitudinal Impacts of a Multimodal Intervention Program Addressed to ADHD Children and Their Parents on Children’s Social Skills and Behavior Problems.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du 2nd International Congress on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Vienne, Autriche.
Massé L., Verreault M., Verret C., Lageix P., Guay M.
, Janvier
Longitudinal impacts of a multimodal intervention program addressed to ADHD children and their parents on parental stress.
Communication présentée dans le cadre de la Xe Eusarf International Conference, Padoue, Italie.
Chapitre de livre
Massé L., Verreault M., Verret C., Lageix P., Guay M., Canali C., Vecchiato T., Whittaker J.
Longitudinal impacts of a multimodal intervention program addressed to ADHD children and their parents on the parental stress.
Assessing the «evidence-base» of intervention for vulnerable children and their families
( p.582-584 )
, Padova, Italie
: Fondazione Emmanuela Zancan onlus
Verreault M., Verret C., Massé L., Guay M., Lageix P.
, Janvier
Impacts of a combined cognitive-behavioural program on parent-child relationship in families with child ADHD and oppositional disorders.
Communication présentée dans le cadre du World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelone, Espagne.