État de publication: Publiée (2019 Mai )
Titre du livre: Narrative, literacy and other skills : Studies in intervention
Éditeur: John Benjamins Publishing
Lieu: Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Intervalle de pages: 63-88
ISBN: 9789027202215
Résumé: Reading comprehension refers to the ability to construct a global representation of the macrostructure of a text and to establish links between its different components. To achieve this, however, the reader must also manage the microstructure of the text, in particular, processing the written code in such a way as to identify the written words, while making inferences to construct their meaning. Based on this perspective, this chapter presents data coming from two pedagogical contexts whose aim was to promote emergent literacy in kindergarten. Results show that children made significant progress in their processing of the written code, measured through their level of representation of the alphabetic system, an emergent writing task and a reading test. Progress in narrative structuring remained however more modest.
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Théorie de l'activité: