État de publication: Publiée (2011 )
Titre des actes: Connecting computer-supported collaborative learning to policy and practice: CSCL 2011
Éditeur: International Society of the Learning Sciences & Center for Information Technology in Education
Lieu: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Chine
Intervalle de pages: 1178-1181
Résumé: Deep understanding and knowledge creation are two of the three ICT competency standards for teachers identified by UNESCO (2009). In the classroom, knowledge creation bears many similarities with knowledge building, the framework put forward by Bereiter and Scardamalia (1993). We report on four knowledge building oriented university-school partnerships (Catalunya, Hong Kong, Quebec and Mexico). They had teacher professional development in mind, and their shared goal was students' understanding of sustainable development problems (Knowledge Building International Project, 2007-2011). Participants engaged in onsite/online written and verbal interaction. The dynamics of their collaboration are uncovered. With respect to one site, we report on explanation quality as evidence of movement toward deep understanding.
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