État de publication: Publiée (2009 )
Titre des actes: 7th International Conference of the European Research Network about Parents in Education
Éditeur: ERNAPE
Intervalle de pages: 88-100
ISBN: 978-91-86238-82-2
Résumé: This study examined parents’ beliefs about homework utility, their involvement and their motivation to become involved at Time 1 (Grade 4) and Time 2 (Grade 6) of the study in function of family structure, parents’ education level and school achievement. It also explored evolution over time in parents’ beliefs about homework utility, involvement and reasons for becoming involved in homework. Results indicate that parents are more involved when their child is having learning difficulties in Grade 4 and in Grade 6. Likewise, less educated parents reported lower self-efficacy than highly-educated parents in both grade levels. Data revealed significant decreases in terms of parental role construction, self-efficacy, perceptions of invitations from teachers and parental involvement in homework but a tendency over time regarding increased beliefs about homework utility.
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