Decision-forming processes leading to peer mentorship

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: publié

Titre du livre: Doing CHAT in the Wild: From-the-field Challenges of a Non-Dualist Methodology

Éditeur: Brill

Volume: 7

Intervalle de pages: 150-192

ISBN: 9789004548664


Résumé: The purpose of this study illustrates the relevance of giving voice to emotions when teachers expand their professional development and become mentors. We share our analysis of a long-time span study in the field to understand how events are worked over when conflicting emotions emerge. Members of a research team question and make sense of new educational policies, co-design and implement curricular artefacts engaging in expansive resolution of conflicts of motives. The results show that teachers redefine the borders of their praxis as new contexts and broader layers of influence are reached. The experiential trajectory is reconstructed through the dialectical analysis of their discourse. Giving voice to the emotional experience brought to light the relation between perezhivanie and the social situation of their professional development. The emotional experience or the act of experiencing is related not only to the personal characteristics of the individual but also to the environment. The results press that individual and collective process is characterized by revolutionary leaps. An interesting potential for research in education is to document how teachers work over conflicts of motives to engage in building second stimuli to create new ideas, to produce artefacts, and new teaching strategies to transcend paralyzing situations. In complex research settings where boundaries between researchers and participants get blurred, CHAT is fruitful as a developmental methodology when pinpointing the anchors of agency at the core of resolution of conflicts of motives