État de publication: Publiée (2013 Mars )
Titre des actes: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference
Éditeur: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Lieu: Nouvelle-Orléans, États-Unis
Intervalle de pages: 2205-2209
ISBN: 978-1-939797-02-5
Résumé: This paper presents the results of a sixteenth-year long (1997-2012) university-school partnership in which pre-service teachers collaborated with cooperative teachers and peers in the context of the project Learning to teach in a networked classroom. The underlying assumption is that the networked classroom is the new workplace of the teacher. University- and school-based teachers as well as researchers and graduate students have been working in a tightly knitted partnership. Our study identifies the key environmental features that nurtured and sustained the innovations participating teachers/pre-service teachers and teacher educators introduced within and beyond their networked classrooms. Educational researchers from a variety of perspectives could make theoretical and practical advances using a similar ecosystemic model.
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