Défis et enjeux de la démarche de recherche collaborative en didactique des mathématiques

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2013 )

Titre des actes: Questions vives en didactique des mathématiques : problèmes de la profession d’enseignant, rôle du langage

Intervalle de pages: 447-482

URL: https://archipel.uqam.ca/8411/

Résumé: Collaborative research is an emergent process where research is conducted “with” teachers, instead of being “on” or “about” them. Participants in this workshop had the opportunity to experience the stakes, the aims and challenges of collaborative research along the typical “moments” of the approach: co-situation, co-operation and co- production. Focusing on the process itself, participants appreciated how the research object is negotiated, how the research concretely take place between teachers and researchers, and how data produced in/by these exchanges is worked on.

Théorie de l'activité: