Study and mitigation of epistemological obstacles in the technological disciplines of higher education in Madagascar: Case of industrial technical drawing

Article de revue


État de publication: publié

Nom de la revue: International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE)

Volume: 7

Numéro: 12

Intervalle de pages: 75-86


Résumé: In this paper, we provide an element of response, from a conceptual and material point of view, to the problem encountered in the teaching-learning of technical drawing at the École Normale Supérieure pour l’Enseignement Technique - ENSET of the Antsiranana University in Madagascar. After analyzing and discussing the results of measurements taken during field observations, we adjusted the teaching-learning system, through reference, theoretical and conceptual frameworks adapted and adopted following the literature review. With this work, we present a new way of apprehending the learning object, in the new era through computer science which is part of socio-emotional mediation, and which will meet certain criteria of attraction social, modernization and creation inducing a stable scientific culture of the population involved.