Academic Accommodations for Special Education Students: A Systematic Review American Journal of Educational Research

Article de revue


État de publication: publié

Nom de la revue: American Journal of Educational Research

Volume: 8

Numéro: 8

Intervalle de pages: 524-530


Résumé: Identifying students’ perception of accessibility to academic accommodations within post-secondary education is vital for disability service providers in the United States and Canada. This systematic review is an in-depth synthesis of 25 literature published since 2010, utilizing the EPPI reviewer 4 in incorporating data to highlight the context of academic accommodation provisions in these two countries. The author found that with increasing inclusive education advocacy, the surge in the enrollment of students with disabilities in post-secondary institutions calls for a holistic approach to identifying the achievement gaps between these students and their non-disabled peers. Students’ experiences are influenced by several factors, most of which are not directly evolving from the student themselves. Stakeholders such as their instructors, legislators, their academic communities, and the office of disability services contribute to these experiences. Therefore, a pragmatic approach with students’ expert contributions based on their needs will benefit the process.

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