A Geopositioning View of Teachers’ Orchestration in Active Learning Classrooms: Following teachers’ location within the classroom

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2018 )

Titre du livre: Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018

Éditeur: International Society for Technology in Education

Lieu: Londres, Royaume-Uni

Volume: 1

Intervalle de pages: 1651-1652

URL: https://www.saltise.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Lenton_ICLS2018-Volume-3_Final.pdf

Résumé: In this study we report on a method to answer a simple yet fundamental question: How do teachers manage their space resources in active learning classrooms? Specifically, we document how a software, designed for physics education, might provide an alternative to documenting the physical position of the teacher as a function of time. This approach shows clear patterns can be produced, thereby revealing one dimension of the larger question of teacher orchestration.