Intervention in the context of controversial issues: Engaging in collaborative work and co-design of activities for the science class



État de publication: publié

Type de présentation: Symposium 5

Nom de la rencontre: International Society for Cultural-Historical Activity Research (ISCAR)

Lieu: Ioannina, Grèce


Résumé: Barma, Deslandes, Voyer, Dewailly, Cooper, Dubois, Turgeon-Fortin will discuss health and science education and the development of critical thinking skills among high school students in the social context of the legalization of marijuana in Canada. The exploratory research focuses on the Change Laboratory (Lab_C) and its possible impact on the reported consumption of high school adolescents. The implementation of the firsts CL sessions will be presented in the broader light of a process that promotes the development and innovation of educational and social practices. We aim at describing how science teachers appropriate activities co-modeled with an intervention team and set them up in the classroom to develop critical thinking. The variety of stakeholders grouped during the CL and the voice given to adolescents, the horizontality of the planned collaboration and the diversity of actors involved are original aspects that characterize this exploratory research. Considered as 'experts', adolescents are involved in this exploratory research. It is important to recognize their knowledge and experiences in order to address their concerns and thereby promote health education and informed decision-making. The symposium is oriented towards one of the objectives set by UNESCO, which aims to strengthen the education sector's response to the use of psychoactive substances.