Learning to code: from procedural puzzle-based games to creative programming

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2016 )

Titre des actes: Revista CIDUI

Lieu: Barcelone, Espagne

Intervalle de pages: 1-8

ISBN: 2385-6203

URL: http://www.cidui.org/revistacidui/index.php/cidui/article/download/944/909

Résumé: Learning to code is integrated in a growing number of schools worldwide. However, the learning to code activities shows important differences according to the creative engagement of the learners in the activity. We identify five levels of learning to code activities: (1) teacher-centered explanations or tutorials; (2) procedural, step-by-step programming; (3) creative individual programming; (4) co-creative programming and (5) participatory co-creation of knowledge through programming.

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Théorie de l'activité: