État de publication: Publiée (2015 )
Nom de la revue: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Volume: 174
Intervalle de pages: 115-121
ISBN: 1877-0428
Résumé: The digital revolution of the last two decades has introduced major changes in the different spheres of human activities, from professional, academic to social spheres. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has facilitated communication and permitted new forms of work and learning, overcoming the traditional constraints of time and space. Nowadays, the frontiers of work, learning and social activities of the knowledge workers have blurred in the same digital environment, making the shifting possibilities between activities easier than ever. Digital leisure activities, such social networking and gaming have also entered the digital environment, increasing the opportunities of distraction from work, learning and social activities. Knowledge workers of the 21st century should develop a new Work Lifelong Learning Balance (WLLB) in order to ensure to maintain their professional, family, social, personal and lifelong learning balance.
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