État de publication: Publiée (2015 )
Titre des actes: Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015
Éditeur: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Lieu: Montréal, Canada
Intervalle de pages: 1100-1109
Résumé: This study discusses the use of video records of classroom practices in a professional learning network (PLN) in order to support teacher reflection and professional development. Select video recordings of participating teachers of the PLN were presented in both a small group and large group context. Members of the research team facilitated the discussions and guiding questions were also provided. Additionally, the teachers were asked to participate in a discussion regarding the video clips on an online discussion platform. Qualitative analysis such as verbal analysis and coding was used to analyze the discourse. Preliminary results show that the activity was successful in promoting and supporting teacher reflection through video analysis and hence suggesting the future direction of the PLN.
Mots clé(s):
Théorie de l'activité: