A concepção das ciências e do agir responsável dos estudantes face às mudanças climáticas

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2014 ,25 Juin )

Nom de la revue: Educação em Foco

Volume: 17

Numéro: 23

Intervalle de pages: 153-179

ISBN: 2317-0093

URL: http://revista.uemg.br/index.php/educacaoemfoco/article/view/538/353

Résumé: Schools are increasingly challenged by current environmental issues that require an enrichment of how sciences and teaching practices can be conceived. In this sense, we aim for an interdisciplinary approach for teaching a “Socially acute questions” in science and history at the secondary level. It is an attempt to renew the school form in which students are more autonomous than average, and which proposes a more actual version of the nature of science, to see how students understand such preoccupations coming from the social studies of sciences. The teaching approach on climate change is presented briefly, as well as the main empirical results the reflect a more nuanced way of understanding science, being aware of limitations in terms of validity and potential debates and lead toward a real appreciation of this type of pedagogy. Another key element we present is how students react to these environmental issues and how they are making sense of their actions.

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