Onsite and online students’ and professors’ perceptions of ICT use in higher education

Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2010 ,31 Janvier )

Titre du livre: Novel approaches in web-based learning technologies: Tools for modern teaching

Éditeur: IGI Publishing

Lieu: Pennsylvanie, États-Unis


Intervalle de pages: 83-117

ISBN: 9781605669380

Résumé: For the past two decades, information and communication technologies (ICT) have transformed the ways professors teach and students learn. This study aims to investigate the perceptions of onsite and online students and professors. It was conducted into ICT-supported or technology-rich environments at a Faculty of Administration of a large Canadian university. To conduct the study, a moderator-type theoretical research model was developed, out of which nine hypotheses were formulated. The authors used a multimethod approach to collect data, that is, a Web survey involving open-and closed-ended questions, as well as a structured interview. The sample was composed of 313 students who completed an electronic survey on a Web site and 16 professors teaching to these students who participated in a structured interview. The quantitative data analysis was performed using a structural equation modeling software, that is, Partial Least Squares (PLS); the qualitative data were analyzed following a thematic structure using QSR NVivo software.

Théorie de l'activité: