État de publication: Publiée (2008 ,7 Octobre )
Nom de la revue: Journal of Research in Reading
Volume: 31
Numéro: 4
Intervalle de pages: 339-358
ISBN: 0141-0423, 1467-9817
Résumé: Given the problems experienced by hearing-impaired individuals in learning the written language, a pedagogical approach was tested. The study examined the links between the development of representations of alphabetic system and the results in reading and writing of first graders. In the study, there were 31 hearing-impaired children and 25 hearing ones. Invented spelling was measured three times during the school year. Reading and writing tests were given at the end of the year. The results obtained revealed a similarity between the learning profile of the hearing-impaired children and that of the hearing children. It also demonstrated the importance of the work done through invented spelling, among the hearing-impaired children. Thus, like their hearing peers, hearing-impaired children are able to use procedures to process the written word based on the alphabetic principle, but continuous support-implying invented spelling constantly adjusted to the progression of their representations must be provided.
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