État de publication: Publiée (2005 ,1 Mars )
Nom de la revue: Journal of School Leadership
Volume: 15
Numéro: 2
Intervalle de pages: 143-158
ISBN: 1052-6846
Résumé: This article has two purposes: the first is to give a voice to school leaders in official-language minority schools; the second is to present an empirically based critical analysis of some of the main current models in the field of educational leadership in order to verify whether they are relevant in official-language minority settings. This original perspective is gleaned from a research project that is currently being conducted in official French-language minority schools across Canada. The article presents a brief explanation of the Canadian context with regard to the constitutional rights of official-language minorities to education in their language, describes the method used to conduct the first phase of the research project, and presents some of the main findings.
Théorie de l'activité: