Taking DALITE To the Next Level: What have we learned from a web-based Peer Instruction application

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2014 Juin )

Titre des actes: AQPC symposium

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288210142_Taking_DALITE_to_the_next_level_What_have_we_learned_from_a_web-based_peer_instruction_application

Résumé: The Distributed Active Learning Interactive Technology Environment (DALITE) is a web-based tool designed on the principles of Peer Instruction. DALITE promotes student's self explanation and asynchronous explanation to others. This design-based research project involved practitioners and researchers in the co-design process. In this paper we describe the main features of DALITE, its extended system and its implementation. We report on its effectiveness as a tool for teaching and learning physics.

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