Augmenter la résilience des élèves ayant une déficience intellectuelle lors de la transition de l’école a la vie active

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2014 Mai )

Titre des actes: The Second World Congress on Resilience: From Person to Society

Éditeur: Monduzzi Editore

Lieu: Bologne, Italie

Intervalle de pages: 1161-1164

ISBN: 978-88-7587-697-5


Résumé: The transition from school to working life is a critical period for all students, particularly those with an intellectual disability. At the end of schooling, students with intellectual disabilities live new experiences, sudden changes, a decrease of benefits received, and a difficult access to an active lifestyle. In this study, the transition from school to working life is discussed based on the theory of resilience. The theory of resilience is focused on the risk factors and the development of individual factors, familial and environmental protection to support the person during critical periods of its development. Among the risk factors include the characteristics of mental retardation, lack of information for families about the process of transition and the role that they can play, despite limited resources, to facilitate the social and professional integration. According with chosen theoretical framework, is presented a review of scientific literature on protective factors that facilitate the transition from school to working life. It focuses on the participation of students with intellectual disabilities and their involvement in the transition process.

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