Influence des interprétations des productions des élèves sur les stratégies d'intervention en classe de mathématiques

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2006 Juillet )

Nom de la revue: Educational Studies in Mathematics

Volume: 62

Numéro: 3

Intervalle de pages: 307-329

ISBN: 1573-0816, 0013-1954

Résumé: In this Article, we examine primary teachers’ interpretation of their pupils’ productions in mathematics. We study the changes in teachers’ interpretation as they were taking place during discussions on pupils’ productions and the influence of the interpretation on the teachers’ choice of intervention in class. Six seminars, between one researcher and 21 teachers from the same school, revealed the elements that contributed to the interpretative process. These elements allowed to describe five “milieux” to which teachers are sensitive as they interpret pupils productions. The results bring a better understanding of the origins of teachers’ attribution of causes to pupils mistakes and of their preferred interventions with pupils who experience learning difficulties. The results suggest how changes in interpretation transform interventions and what conditions are necessary to initiate these changes.

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