État de publication: Publiée (2007 Juin )
Titre des actes: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
Éditeur: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Lieu: Waynesville, États-Unis
Intervalle de pages: 3770-3775
ISBN: 978-1-880094-62-4
Résumé: Who are the students abandoning post-secondary studies? What variables predict their dropping out? What measures should be put into place to help prevent students from dropping out ? What online perseverance support tools are used by undergraduate students experiencing their first session of university studies? Our research team, subsidized by the Fonds Québécois de recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) and the Inukshuk Funds tried to answer all these questions by putting in place what is called SAMI-Persévérance (Système d'Aide Multimédia Interactif à la PERSÉVÉRANCE aux études postsecondaires). Our session aims to briefly introduce you to our Web environment ( and its extensive index of more than 600 support tools for enhancing student perseverance. We will also present some of the most significant results of the research that took place during the 2006 fall semester at three Québec universities.
Théorie de l'activité: