État de publication: publié
Type de présentation: Table ronde
Nom de la rencontre: IXe Simpósio Internacional Trabalho, Relações de Trabalho, Educação e Identidade (SITRE)
Lieu: En ligne
Résumé: The notion of “biographical situation”, as thought and thematized by Alfred Schütz, is inspired in particular by the definition of the situation proposed by WI Thomas in his work “Social Behavior and Personality”, published in 1951. It can be integrated into a phenomenological theory of the social world if we consider that it was partially constructed through contact with Chicago School researchers inspired in particular by comprehensive sociology, social phenomenology and Dilthey's hermeneutics. Schütz's thought advances a new theory of biographical activity that, in many ways, opens up perspectives that propose to rethink theories about life in education (or training, in a broad sense) and at work. It actually makes it possible to analyze the modes of constitution of the structures of relevance of the worlds of life and of the “common stocks of experience” in the contexts of education and work. The discussion of this roundtable will be an opportunity to question the validity of approaches that cross sociology, phenomenology and biographical research to think about contemporary categories of life in education and work.
Théorie de l'activité: