État de publication: publié
Nom de la revue: Jornal Internacional de Estudos em Educaçao Matemática (JIEEM)
Volume: 14
Numéro: 1
Intervalle de pages: 14-25
Résumé: Textbooks are one of the main sources of consultation for teaching statistics. This article analyzes activities involving tables presented in Primary School Mathematics textbooks from Brazil and from Quebec - CA. Our analysis were based on six categories: type of representation (rectangular configuration, database or table); table function; explored skill; table type (single or double entry); type of variable; representation of the fundamental elements of the table. The results show that in all years of schooling we can find the three types of representation, with the highest frequency of tables in both places of publication. Most of them are used as an object of study, indicating a recent change of focus in Brazilian books that prioritized activities in which tables were a pretext for other concepts to be addressed. However, we still observe an emphasis on interpreting and completing tables already structured. Unfortunately, many tables do not present their source, especially in Quebec textbooks. The absence of real data and significant contexts effectively does not contribute to the students' significant learning of Statistics.
Mots clé(s):
Théorie de l'activité: