État de publication: Publiée (2017 Avril )
Type de présentation:
Nom de la rencontre: American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Lieu: San Antonio, États-Unis
Résumé: The goal of this study is to obtain various evidence of validity for the French-Canadian version of the Collective Teacher Efficacy Beliefs Scale (CTEBS; Tschannen-Moran & Barr, 2004). This scale of 12 items is composed of two subscales: instructional strategies and student discipline. The study was conducted among 428 college teachers in the Province of Quebec (Canada) (62.4% female; Mage=42.04, SD=9.21; Mexprience=10.84, SD=7.99). The French-Canadian version of the CTEBS presents various evidence of validity (reliability, CFA and invariance, convergent/divergent). The results will be discussed according to the literature.
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