Facteurs de protection de membres de la fratrie de jeunes présentant une Trisomie 21

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2014 Mai )

Titre des actes: The Second World Congress on Resilience: From Person to Society

Éditeur: Medimond, International Proceedings

Lieu: Bologne, Italie

Intervalle de pages: 491-496

ISBN: 978-88-7587-697-5

URL: http://www.congress.resilience.uvt.ro/documents/e-book%20resilience%202014.pdf

Résumé: This communication is included into the theme of resilience in the families with a member with intellectual deficiency (ID).It is admitted that the fact of having a brother or a sister (B/S) presenting a DI implies also positive and negative impacts. It is a long time since when, having a brotherhood member presenting a DI, can be a risk for a person, and a reason for negative consequences.There are only few studies on resilience to prove it. In the context of the Quebec city, where from the end of the 1980’s, persons presenting a ID lived always with their natural families (not in institutions), it is pertinent to ask about the impact of that context on B/S. As these people live always with persons presenting a ID, there was a certain impact on the relation between them, and also on their values and options in live, etc. In the context of a doctoral research focused on the intentions of implication on B/S considering a person with trisomie 21, present communication proposed a case study of two participants regarding the resilience indices, presence in the relations of B/S presenting an ID from the infanthood to the adult age. The risk and protective factors are relevated and also the present state of the situation.

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