
Chapitre de livre


État de publication: Publiée (2008 ,25 Avril )

Titre du livre: Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change

Éditeur: Sage Publications

Lieu: New Jersey, États-Unis


Intervalle de pages: 354-357

ISBN: 9781412958783


Résumé: GLOBAL WARMING EDUCATION is part of environmental education, and varies from raising awareness of the phenomenon, to a deep civic implication and political engagement, depending on the strategies and the goals that are adopted. Global warming education follows some principles of environmental education, and, more specifically, education of complexity, as proposed by French sociologist Edgar Morin. Morin advocates redefining the relationship to scientific knowledge, to understand sciences as carriers of uncertainties, leading to a particular reading of the world and climate, a reading that is interesting, but not sufficient to join the aims of environmental education regarding global warming.

Théorie de l'activité: