Teacher development through participation in a virtual community of support and communication

Article de colloque


État de publication: Publiée (2010 )

Titre des actes: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference

Éditeur: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Intervalle de pages: 2272–2279

ISBN: 978-1-880094-78-5

URL: http://www.editlib.org/p/33703

Résumé: A virtual community of support and communication for pre-service teachers (TACT) connected to a school-based teacher community began as a design experiment in 1995, and evolved to devote some of its time to knowledge building (on teaching and learning in a networked classroom). For this study, activity theory, and especially the perspective of expansive learning (Engeström, 1987), was adopted. Onsite/online ethnography led to the description of sustained engagement in the two activity systems (the pre-service teachers’ virtual community and the school-based teacher community) of a professional development school (PDS). Participants’ boundary-crossing actions were identified in order to capture moves within and between activity systems as the virtual community transformed into a knowledge building community. Pedagogical implications for pre- and in-service teacher education are drawn.

Mots clé(s):


Théorie de l'activité: