État de publication: Publiée (2013 Mars )
Nom de la revue: Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
Volume: 32
Numéro: 1
Intervalle de pages: 57-72
ISBN: 0714-9808, 1710-1107
Résumé: The person-centered approach is increasingly recommended in long-term care facilities to increase quality of care. In Quebec, Canada,. caregivers were specifically trained in “relationship-based care. “This study analyzed caregivers’ assessment of this approach’s usefulness and their capacity, after training, to apply it to care practices. Questionnaires with open-ended questions were administered to caregivers (n= 392) one month after training. Caregivers’ answers were categorized using a qualitative approach. Respondents perceive some features of this approach are beyond their reach or in opposition to their beliefs. They reported feeling pressure related to time constraints, their peers and the families of residents. These results indicate that training itself is insufficient to transform practice. Institutions wishing to implement such an approach must also act upon the beliefs of individuals, as well as upon work situations.
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