État de publication: Publiée (2020 )
Titre des actes: Learners and learning contexts: New alignments for the digital age - Report of EDUsummIT 2019
Intervalle de pages: 45-53
Résumé: Learning analytics have been defined as the use of static and dynamic information about learners and learning environments, assessing, eliciting and analyzing it, for real-time modelling, prediction and optimization of learning processes, learning environments, as well as educational decision-making (Ifenthaler, 2015). To target the outcomes of data systems is a new challenge for computerscientists and engineers as well as educators. In addition, a large number of stakeholders draw on learning analytics, such as learners, teachers/educators, learning/instructional designers, institutional leaders, scientists, and public as well as private providers. For instance, learning analytics of student data sets can be used for formative and summative assessments, but issues related to privacy and usability are growing concerns. For example, with large data sets available to teachers and learners, who owns these data, which data are available, and which are private? Furthermore, who analyses these data and who is the data analyzed for? What can teachers do with all these data and what feedback and monitoring of learning might students expect from learning analytics? How can fair uses of techno-led or enabled assessment be ensured and what are the risks associated with data use for promoting students’ achievements? This eBook report shares the results of an international discussion of these issues, which identified how learning analytics may influence policy and teaching practices. The members of thematic working group 6 (TWG6), representing eight countries, spent six months in 2019 collecting, reviewing and synthesizing evidence from research publications, reports, correspondences, and practitioner conversations around learning analytics. The sources ranged from university research projects to articles based on practice and usage of learning analytics dashboards and applications. This background work enabled TWG6 to identify current and potential issues around the use of learning analytics. TWG6 report suggestsstrategies and actions, and recommendationsfor policy makers(PM), researchers(R) and practitioners (PR) to attempt to overcome the potential issues we foresee.
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