État de publication: Publiée (2014 )
Nom de la revue: Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Volume: 10
Intervalle de pages: 681-696
ISBN: 1558-9528
Résumé: Based on research findings derived from interviews and questionnaires collected between 2009 and 2012, this concept paper proposes blended online learning design (BOLD) as a solution to some widespread online learning challenges in higher education. More specifically, it defines the pedagogical underpinnings of the blended online learning design (or BOLD) webinar, a hybrid instructional design and delivery model which maintains quality of instruction while increasing accessibility to higher education and cost-effectiveness in graduate-level courses, all elements that contribute to sustainability in online learning. Set against a backdrop of the graduate seminar, learning activity sequencing, based on a combination of individual, team and group work, is presented, design and delivery solutions are described and student, faculty and administration satisfaction levels reported. Preliminary results point favorably to the BOLD webinar model as increasing sustainability in online graduate studies.
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