Online Learning from the Instructional Designer’s Perspective: Canadian and European French-language Case Studies

Article de revue


État de publication: Publiée (2015 )

Nom de la revue: La revue canadienne de l'apprentissage et de la technologie / Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology

Volume: 41

Intervalle de pages: 1-3

ISBN: 1499-6677, 1499-6685


Résumé: This special issue concerns the work instructional designers do in dual-mode universities in French-speaking Canada and Europe. The thirteen case studies presented here are translations from the original publication: Potvin, C., Power, M. & Ronchi. A., Ed. (2014). La formation en ligne : les conseillers et les ingénieurs pédagogiques. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval, in which 20 case studies were presented. The underlying theme that unites these case studies is the role instructional designers (IDs) play in helping faculty create effective online learning experiences for their students. In some cases, these online experiences are created from scratch (i.e., a new course), while in other instances, the courses/experiences are converted from existing face-to-face courses. Each type of design presents its own set of issues and challenges; as such instructional designers typically wear a number of different hats. Regardless of the design requirements, the ID has to be both creative and responsive to his/her client. As the development/conversion process is rarely straightforward, the ID finds that he/she needs to guide and support the faculty as they make changes that have, at least to them, unknown consequences.

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