Voici les présentations des chercheures et chercheurs du CRIRES au 43e Congrès de la SCÉÉ 2015
Programme du congrès 2015 [[{"fid":"1062","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","link_text":"2015_csse_pc_prog_csse_20150529c.pdf","attributes":{"class":"file media-element file-default"}}]]
Socio-technical designs for improving participation and educational
success in the classroom and beyond
Therese Laferriere (Laval), Alain Breuleux (McGill), Anne Lessard
(Sherbrooke), Fernand Gervais (Laval), Geo Gyeong Mi HEO (McGill), Sylvie
Barma (Laval), Christine Hamel (Laval), Suzanne Manningham (Laval),
Catherine Larouche (UQAC), Denis Savard (Laval), Rollande Deslandes
(UQTR), Sandrine Turcotte (UQO), Stéphane Allaire (UQAC)
L'implantation des conventions de partenariats dans les commissions
scolaires du Québec : Tensions et innovations : ce qu'en pensent dix
directeurs généraux de dix commissions scolaires de deux régions
différentes du Québec
Catherine Larouche (UQAC), Denis Savard (Laval), Anastasie Amboulé-
Abath (UQAC), Pascal Waly Faye (Laval)
Multi-paper/Plusieurs communications
Math, Science, and Digital Technologies
Transitions from elementary to secondary in math: Differences in beliefs
and practice between elementary and secondary teachers
Gyeong Mi Heo (McGill), Alain Breuleux (McGill)
The early phase of a successful professional learning community: the
Creating, Collaborating, and Computing in Mathematics (CCC-M)
Alain Breuleux (McGill), Lei Nong (McGill), Gyeong Mi Heo (McGill)
Socio-technical designs for improving participation and educational
success in the classroom and beyond
Therese Laferriere (Laval), Alain Breuleux (McGill), Anne Lessard
(Sherbrooke), Fernand Gervais (Laval), Geo Gyeong Mi HEO (McGill), Sylvie
Barma (Laval), Christine Hamel (Laval), Suzanne Manningham (Laval),
Catherine Larouche (UQAC), Denis Savard (Laval), Rollande Deslandes
(UQTR), Sandrine Turcotte (UQO), Stéphane Allaire (UQAC)
Wine and Cheese | Vin et fromage
Chair/Prés.: John Willinsky
What role do journals play in mobilizing knowledge as a public good?
Jo-ann Archibald (UBC), Editor, Canadian Journal of Native Studies
Ted Christou (Queen's), Editor, Journal of the Canadian Association for
Curriculum Studies
Chris DeLuca (Queen's) , Editor, Journal of the Canadian Association for
Curriculum Studies
Rollande Deslandes (UQTR), Rédactrice, Revue canadienne de l’éducation
Marc-André Éthier (Montréal), Francophone editor, McGill Journal of
Erika Hasebe-Ludt (Lethbridge), Interim editor, Canadian Journal of
Teresa Strong-Wilson (McGill), Editor, McGill Journal of Education
Les représentations des enseignants du secondaire québécois face à la
scolarisation en classe régulière ou en classe de cheminement particulier
des élèves en difficulté d'adaptation et d'apprentissage
Philippe Tremblay (Laval)